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Access Fund Application

The Trust has established an Access Fund which parents or carers may apply for financial assistance with school related matters. Applications can be made in respect of uniform, shoes, equipment or help with school trips or visits. The Access Fund is open to those families whose children qualify for free school meals, students with disabilities or are living in care or have left care or live outside the family home or live inside a low income family home.

The Trust has a duty to protect public funds. The information provided in this form may be used to prevent and detect fraud. For the same reason, the information provided may be shared with third party organisations who handle public money. Information will be shared in accordance with our Privacy notices. The information will be held in accordance with our Records Management Policy.

Which Academy does your child attend?*

I declare the following:

1. The information provided in this form is true and to the best of your knowledge and belief is correct in every respect.

2. I undertake to supply any additional information that maybe required to confirm the information given.

3. I understand that if I refuse to provide information relevant to my claim the application will not be accepted. I also undertake to inform the Academy, in writing, of any change to any of the information given.

4. I agree to repay the Trust in full and immediately any sums advanced if the information given is shown to be false or deliberately misleading, or if the funds are not used for the purposes that they are given.

I am aware that the funding is for the specific item or activity and that I must make a further application for further support. I understand that there is no guarantee that I will receive funding in future years.



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