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Leeds University Technical College receives national award for outstanding governance.

Leeds University Technical College (LUTC) is proud to be awarded the National Governance Association’s (NGA) outstanding governance award for a single school. It is a testament to the unwavering commitment and support of its governing board.

The Chair of Trustees (Tim Craven) and Principal (Hannah Wilson) at LUTC commented “We are honoured to receive this award and proud of the recognition for our Trustee team and their commitment to LUTC. The dedication of our leadership, teaching and support teams makes LUTC such a fantastic educational experience for our students. We are pleased to represent both the West Yorkshire region and the wider Baker Dearing Trust UTC network in winning this award.”

This prestigious recognition underscores the pivotal role played by the governing body in the college’s success, particularly in the realm of careers education—an integral aspect of the LUTC experience.

At LUTC, student destinations and careers education hold a central position. Working with the careers team the governors have fostered outstanding relationships with leading employers, transforming the institution into a prime pipeline for businesses to recruit high-quality employees. The result is a college that not only imparts academic knowledge but also provides practical, real-world experiences, making a significant impact on the employability of its students.

The commitment to nurturing employable engineers is evident in the multitude of opportunities LUTC provides for students to interact face-to-face with employers. These initiatives include organised visits to businesses across the region, giving students a first-hand look at industry and allowing them to envision their future roles. To all our partners who play such a key role in the LUTC success we thank you all Industry Partners UTC Leeds.

Beyond these visits, LUTC places a strong emphasis on promoting employability skills throughout their lessons and college life. Initiatives such as workshops on CV writing, green careers, preparing for apprenticeships, and mock interviews with employers serve as invaluable platforms for students to hone crucial skills that will set them apart in a competitive job market. With an annual career fair of over 85 employers now exhibiting at LUTC this provides a fantastic opportunity for our students to decide on their next career steps.

LUTC is a government-funded college for pupils aged 14-19 years old, who have a particular interest in mathematics, science, digital, and engineering. At the October 2023 school census, the pupil roll was 449 students with 55% of this cohort from the lowest 3 deciles of deprivation. The LUTC Board is constituted with a minimum 50% membership from businesses in the region. Since opening in 2016 LUTC has achieved 100% positive student destinations (0% NEET). Enabling such social mobility provides a diverse student population for our employer partners to engage. The model of business and education working in such tight collaboration is providing a successful platform to develop the next generation of engineers.

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