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The UTC Leeds Key Stage 4 uniform policy is designed for a purposeful and safe working atmosphere and to support students with preparing for the world of work. Practical and versatile, our uniform remains the same throughout the year, regardless of the season.

We expect students to follow the Key Stage 4 uniform policy at all times, and we ask for full parental/carer co-operation in ensuring students are suitably dressed for college. Appearance should match the expectations of the work environment.

  • All students should wear trousers. Trousers must be of a formal, tailored style, not chinos or jeans and should not have zips/buttons as accessories. 
  • Smart leather belts with a plain buckle ONLY are permitted.
  • UTC branded navy blue shirt with stiff collar, available from school supplier (as detailed below).
  • Students must wear formal, black sensible leather shoes with black laces (not trainers or boots*). In the interests of Health and Safety the following cannot be worn; trainer-style shoes, stiletto heels, shoes without backs or covered toes or pumps.
  • UTC branded blue quarter zip top.
  • Plain black or navy socks.
  • Any T shirts/long sleeved tops worn under shirts should be black or blue and must not be visible.
  • Coats are not permitted to be worn inside the college building and must be stored in lockers during the college day. The UTC branded soft shell jacket is optional, if students wish to wear this when travelling to and from the college.

If students attend college in incorrect uniform, they will be given the opportunity to borrow items of correct uniform, or will be placed in isolation until they have the correct uniform.

*If students wish to bring their own safety boots to wear in their engineering lessons, these must be stored in their lockers and worn only during their engineering lessons

Uniform is available from our school supplier, which is Whittakers

Whittakers 3/5 Town Street Leeds LS28 5EN

Tel 0113 2566020

PE Kit

PE kit is required for all KS4 students:

  • Trainers
  • Navy/black shorts/joggers (no large sports branding)
  • UTC Leeds Unisex branded long or short-sleeved PE top
  • UTC Leeds branded quarter zip jumper can be worn, but this is optional

Uniform Suppliers

Uniform is available from our school supplier, which is Whittakers

Whittakers 3/5 Town Street Leeds LS28 5EN

Tel 0113 2566020

Make Up & Jewellery

  • Any make-up should be subtle.
  • Jewellery should be limited to one set of simple ear-studs per ear.
  • No necklaces, bracelets, chains or facial piercings e.g. nose studs/rings are allowed for safety reasons.

School Bags

Bags should be a rucksack or messenger style bag, which is able to hold A4 size file items/stationery and can be fastened securely. Y10 and Y11 students must store their bag and outdoor clothing in their locker during the school day. Y12 and Y13 students must store their outdoor clothing in their locker during the school day.

Outdoor Clothing

Outdoor clothing, including coats, hoodies and jumpers (except the UTC branded jumper for Y10/Y11) must not be worn in the school building.


All students:

The following equipment is required within school every day by all students in years 10-13. It is essential that students are fully prepared for the learning experience and have the equipment to allow them to take a full part in all learning opportunities. We have divided the equipment list into items that are essential and those which are desirable.

In addition ALL students will need a combination padlock for their locker. They will need to bring this on the first day and inform the reception team of the combination code during the induction process.



Student Planner (will be provided by school) Glue Stick
Pencil case Coloured Pencils
Pens (black/ blue and a red pen) Highlighters
Pencil Sharpener  
Scientific Calculator  
Pair of compasses  

Second-hand uniform 

At UTC Leeds, we welcome and encourage donations of second-hand uniform. All donated items are laundered and stored at the college, ready to support students who may need assistance.

If you require help sourcing UTC Leeds uniform, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are committed to supporting our students and will work with you to provide the necessary items.

For more information or to make a donation, please get in touch via [email protected]

Thank you for your support with the KS4 uniform policy for your son/daughter. Please contact Mr. Smeaton (Director of Key Stage 4) at [email protected] if you require any further information.

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